If you like or find some useful article while surfing on internet and want to read it later then this article might help you. But make sure you are surfing the website with your Google Chrome browser on your PC. With Google Chrome browser you can actually store the entire web page which you like into the PDF format and then you can read it later with PDF reader application like Adobe Reader. So let's start.
Follow the steps below to Save the Web Page as PDF document:
Here I'm going to store an article which I have posted earlier on my blog about Cryptography.
→First open the website's web page with Google Chrome which you want to store as PDF. You will see menu options for browser at top corner of right side. Click on it then click on "Print..." option. You can find print option by shortcut key on your keyboard by pressing "Ctrl+F".
→You will see a print view for that web page. To save the web page as PDF click on "Change" to change the Destination.
→Now pop-up window called Set Destination will appear. Now select the destination as "Save as PDF" and then click on it.
→At Print section you will see the "Save" button click on it. Save the PDF file to your desired location.
I hope you will found this article helpful. Please give me positive feedback if you like the article below in the comment section. Do share the article with your friends circle. Thank you!
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