Did you ever noticed about downgrade in image quality after you upload it in your blog post? These poor quality images can affect your entire blog post and may not attract reader to read your post. Finally playing with Google + settings I got the solution to fix them. Let's see how to fix your blogger images.
Notice: This trick only work if you have switched from your old blogger profile to Google + profile.
1) First go to your Google + profile which is associated with your blogger. Move your mouse cursor on "Home" top at left side. Drop-down menu will appear now. Click on "Settings".
2) Scroll down until you find "Photos and Videos" category. At auto enhance subsection you will see photos set at "Normal" by default. In that tick on "Off" radio button. That's it. Your settings will be saved automatically.
This is simple tip and trick to enhance your blogger image quality. Share it with your other friends. Thank you!
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